Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Calami rhizoma

Calami rhizoma

Popular title: mechekoren.

Used part: root (without subordinate root). For use inside use only peeled the bark of rootstock, Bath untreated (bath AIR).

Pharmacy name: rhizome aira - Calami rhizoma (formerly: Rhizoma Calami), airovoe oil Calami aetheroleum (formerly: Oleum Calami).

Botanical description. This herbaceous perennial live in very wet soil, building it to its branched rhizome up to 3 cm in thickness. From the bottom of the roots depart numerous subordinate roots that the plant absorbs nutrients, and up from the rootstock AIR throws sword-shaped leaves, over 1 m in length. In June and July at tsvetonose, very similar to the leaves, inflorescence appears as a початка, which, while forming small, inconspicuous greenish flowers, in the context of Germany, however, does not give fruit. Reproduction is carried out vegetatively (rootstock). In Germany, AIR starts appear only in 1560. It can be found on the banks of ponds, in marshes and swamps ditch, swamp forests.

Collecting and harvesting. Find AIR difficult, and collecting it in a more or less large quantities and podavno. Therefore, a large farm, which involved planting rhizomes aira to get them out of power plants. From June to July, and in landing and later (early autumn), rootstock digs. After a thorough cleaning to cut along, repeatedly dissecting the pieces to a length of 10-20 cm and a spread in the shaded place to dry. If you need AIR to use inside, it makes sense to clear the root of the bark before drying.

Active substances: volatile oil from (3-azaronom and bitterness. Furthermore, it appears that certain activities are occurring on a smaller number of tanning agents. Vitamins, minerals, protein and starch, are usually members of the rhizomes, the aira, from the point of their actions, are only ancillary substances.

Curative effect and application. Air belongs to the group of aromatic bitter, and therefore applies in the gastro-intestinal disorders and diseases bile-excreting system, with loss of appetite and to improve the overall tone of the digestive tract. Especially well-AIR helps with gastrointestinal diseases, the cause of which should be sought in the autonomic nervous system. These patients - usually thin, almost distrofiki - complain that they are rarely a good appetite, and if they appear, then disappear as soon as they sit at the table. Eat them very slowly and enjoy every pause, occurring during the meal, so they are always "weave" at the table behind us all. After eating, they complain of a sense of gravity, the pressure in the stomach, sometimes spasmodic pain, and often acid eructation. Diarrhea and constipation alternate. There are, however, times when they do not suffer from his illness, until a deal with the haste and excitement, or personal hardship does not reduce to nothing good mood. The doctor does not find these patients, no organic violations, considering only raise or lower the acidity of gastric juice. Put medicines may help, but in a very short time. Neither spazmolitiki (substance removing spasms) or antacids (substances that bind acid) or enzymatic products, which contribute to digestion, or appropriate combinations do not lead to stable improvement. It helps to set aside such patients treated tea from aira. If they regularly before each meal - at least 2 times a day - drink 1 cup of lukewarm tea from aira, ailments are slowly but reliably. In order to enhance the curative effects of tea has been well-demonstrated practice of bathing with airom.


Tea aira: 2 teaspoons (about 3 g) finely chopped purified from the bark of the roots aira pour 1 / 4 L boiling water and insist about 15 minutes. After percolation need to drink tepid tea.

Bathroom with airom: For a bath of aira - if you do not use ready-extracts - need about 100 grams of crude from the bark of the roots aira.kotorye boil 10 minutes in 1 liter of water and then filter. Stsezhennoy liquid enough for a bathtub filled with water. Since these baths operate vozbuzhdayusche, they should not be taken at night. Baths aira of beneficial effects on the body as in the general exhaustion after a long and painful conditions, with different metabolic disorders.

The use of traditional medicine. It seems difficult to find any other healing plants, the use of which reliably dates back to VII century BC. Drevnepersidskie letter stated that the AIR has been used at the time. Not only in Persian but also in China, and India knew him as an excellent stomachic already well ahead of our chronology. In Europe, AIR was introdu-qualified PA Mattiolusom in about 1560. The court physician of Emperor Ferdinand I received this plant from Constantinople. Since then, the AIR is valued in folk medicine as a remedy against violations in the digestive system as a whole. In addition tea from the roots aira used as detergent to sypey skin and dandruff. Airovoe volatile oil obtained by distillation with water vapor or spirit extract of rhizomes aira are also used as a rub against rheumatic diseases.

Adverse effects. Despite the positive qualities aira, should avoid prolonged courses of treatment to them, as the fj-azaron (aira a European species found only as traces) may have a negative impact. Do not use during pregnancy!

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