Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Arnicae flos

Arnicae flos


Composite - Asteraceae (Compositae).

Popular names: Ivanov color Barannik mountain, sheep color.

Used parts: heads-baskets.

Pharmacy name: arnica flowers - Arnicae flos (formerly: Flores Amicae).

Botanical description. Mountain arnica - a very beautiful plant in early spring, when dissolved its bright yellow flowers, it draws attention to any traveler, and lover of nature. The heads-baskets with flaming tongues-ray are never quite the right shape, which makes them so unusual appearance. This - perennial with horizontal cut in the soil root. Hard herbaceous stem, which can reach 50 cm in height, grows from the middle of rosettes of leaves, tightly attached to the ground. Stem opushen and bears 1-2 pairs of small leaves, and one apical inflorescence, which is in the axil of upper leaves of most are still underdeveloped in one inflorescence. Yellow inflorescence surrounded dvuryadnoy wrapper with short fuzzy pubescence. Boundary flowers with 3 cloves. This is an important distinguishing feature in the analysis. chemist's goods. Meadow arnica has North American origins. Recently, it began to cultivate it, as well as mountain arnica can not profitably cultivate and supply of natural habitat can no longer be out of environmental concerns. Meadow arnica has pryamostoyachih pubescence on the stems cross-striped pair suprotivnyh lanceolate leaves. From the top pair of leaves departs somewhat lateral shoots with apical inflorescence-baskets - slightly smaller than the mountain arnica. Both species flower from June to July (August). Mountain arnica found in infertile or slaboplodorodnyh mountain meadows or herbaceous communities of so-called mountain wasteland. It sometimes grows in the plains. There she prefers sandy, peaty-humus grassland soil. Meadow arnica grows in America to acidic marshy meadows, where it collected for medicinal purposes.

Collecting and harvesting. The heads are collected when they are completely dissolved, dried in the easiest of terms, to preserve existing substances - no warmer than 50 ° C. The same applies to the meadow arnica. The collected material is kept without access of moisture in a cool place.

Active substances: volatile oil with a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect; flavonoids, which are apparently responsible for the effect on the heart and blood circulation, choline, lowering blood pressure, and a large number of other active substances. Recently, the inflorescence arnica found protsianidiny. These active substances are also contained in the flowers of hawthorn and perceived as significant factors behind the beneficial effects of hawthorn flowers on the heart. You can not pass over in silence and bitterness, which only recently began to investigate. Discovered and identified numerous sesk viterpenovye-lactones (particularly gelenaliny), it is possible that they play a crucial role in the healing effects of arnica. Gelenalinov irritant to skin and mucous membranes has been proven, as well as their effects on the heart. To be fully aware of the active ingredients arnica, it is necessary to undertake a lot of research. Currently you can only say that the countless substances arnica are involved in the healing effects of a wide spectrum. Although the chemical composition of meadow arnica arnica is not identical to the composition of the mountain, the difference in the curative effects of both plant little.

Curative effect and application. Arnika often applied outwardly. When you stretch, and rupture of muscles and tendons, dislocations in the best means - immediately apply compresses with arnica tincture (1 tablespoon of divorce * / 2 liter of water) or with its aqueous extract (naturally, with the need to observe a complete immobility of the body) . When hemorrhages compress with arnica stimulates rassasyvanie and, thus, the process of healing. Extremely quickly eased the pain. Excellent acting with arnica compresses, and when contaminated, wounds heal poorly. Generally, compression with arnica should be preferred to alcohol or acetic compression, but sometimes may be allergic skin reactions. When inflammation in the oral cavity and throat wash and rinse arnica irreplaceable. The point is that it increases blood circulation and thus increases the resistance of mucous membranes. For this purpose, give 1 / 2 tsp arnica tincture in 1 glass of lukewarm water or tea poloschut throat of arnica.


Tea of arnica: 1-2 teaspoons of dried cauliflowers arnica pour 1 / 4 liter of boiling water and after 10 minutes, filter. Poloschut throat quite warm tea. For compresses applied directly in this form or разводят water in a ratio of 1:1.

The use of arnica preparations (teas, tinctures) inside the safe, not to do so, although arnica has a curative effect in heart disease.


Sake of arnica: Dried inflorescence fill-ing 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. After 2 weeks, overcome. The resulting liquid is about 10 days, strained to the transparent state. Sake arnica, of course, you can buy in the drugstore.

The use of homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies Arnica is made from dried roots, while the medicine for external application of Arnica extern - fresh flowering herb. Arnika is considered one of the most important means for the healing of the whole homeopathic arsenal. Particularly effective from arnica ointment for the treatment of veins, hemorrhages, strains and bruises. Arnika used in homeopathy also against rheumatism and gout. Use it as a means to normalize the heart and blood circulation, especially in the senile heart failure, atherosclerosis, as well as angina (chest zhabe). And finally, give arnica to restore power after severe infections. The tool used mainly in breeding-s D1-D1 2-3 (5) times a day for 3-5 (10) drops. For external use only разводят 1-2 teaspoons of tincture of Arnica extern 1 / 2 liters of water.

The use of traditional medicine. Everything that was said about the use of arnica, also applies to traditional medicine. You can add here except arnikovy alcohol, who are preparing themselves in different ways and are still used in some localities for compresses and rubbing with rheumatism, gout, backache (lumbago), pain in muscles, stretching tendons and dislocations. It is used to divorced (1 teaspoon to 1 / 4 liter of water) for washing and rinsing the throat. In gastric diseases, heart attacks and weakness give a few drops of alcohol, divorced water.


Arnikovy alcohol: Fresh inflorescence arnica mixed in equal parts by mass to 30% by the spirit and insist for a period of 14 days. After this mixture is drained through a dense fabric, inflorescence carefully squeeze, filter and fluid again.

Adverse effects. When the external application of arnica preparations can be allergic reactions: burning, itching, formation of bubbles and other pathological phenomena in the skin. In this case, stop treatment and consult a doctor. From the use of arnica inside, according to the recommendations of the Public Health Service of Germany, should be completely abandoned, as it became known harmful effects on the stomach, intestines and heart, and the experimental data on the positive effects of the internal use of arnica preparations are not enough.

1 comment:

  1. Not just a beautiful looking flower, it's amazing to discover the many different health benefits it offers. I remember having arnica tea after I went through my endoscopy.
