Pharmacy name: grass bukvitsy - Betonicae herba (formerly: Herba Betonicae).
Botanical description. This is a perennial plant, reaching 30-60 cm in height, develops pryamostoyachie grubovolosistye and slabovetvyaschiesya four stalks. Suprotivno location of egg-or lanceolate forms are gorodchaty region, the base cordate. Purple-red flowers form kolosovidnoe inflorescence of false mutovok. Blossoms in July and August. Found on dry grasslands and sandy paddock, on the sunny slopes, occasionally in dry woods.
Collecting and harvesting. Collects blossoming grass, cut it in the palm above the ground, trying not to prihvatyvat ogrubevshie parts, and tied in bundles, dried in the air in the shade.
Active substance: tanning agents, bitterness, and so-called stahidrin (betain), which are attributed to hemostatic property.
Curative effect and application. The main active ingredient is to enhance bitterness bukvitsy tanning agents. And wonder why scientific medicine does not use any bukvitsu with diarrhea as an astringent, or inflammation in the throat. Yes, and homeopathy, it is rarely used - only occasionally as a means of strengthening, with weakness and asthma. Use in traditional medicine. Often happens that a medicinal plant, is not used by scientific medicine, is widely used in folk. This happens with bukvitsey. Tea from it - an excellent means of traditional medicine with diarrhea and other bowel diseases. Successfully used it as a gargle with inflammation of oral and throat, including stomatitis.
Bukvitsy tea: 1 teaspoon to the top of the grass to fill 1 / 4 liter of boiling water, and insist at least 15 minutes. After percolation tea is ready for rinsing and ingestion, with diarrhea and other stomach and intestinal disorders. If you need to drink a cup 1-3 times a day. Sometimes tea bukvitsy appoint, with abundant mucous sputum and asthma. Almost completely gone in the past its use in gout and rheumatism.
Side effects if not overdose, do not have to fear.
yes i agree with this point that The main active ingredient is to enhance bitterness bukvitsy tanning agents because i already complete my research on this..