Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Althea root

Althea root

Malvaceae - Malvaceae.

Used parts: roots, leaves, flowers.

Pharmacy name: Althea root - Althaeae radix (formerly: Radix Althaeae), leaves of Althea - Althaeae folium (formerly: Folia Althaeae), flowers of Althea - Althaeae flos (formerly: Flores Althaeae).

Botanical description. This perennial plant reaches pubescence polutorametrovoy height. Harvest primarily dvuletnie roots. The leaves from the stem, regular, with a characteristic whitish pubescence felt, three-pyatilopastnye unevenly gorodchatye. In the axil of leaves on short pedicel bundles sit on large white or pinkish flowers. Blossoms from June to August. Find Altey in the wild state in Central Europe - it is almost hopeless. On saline soils (near solevaren), the Baltic Sea, the wet meadows, he still sometimes gets, but the entire trade Altey comes to cultural plantations. Birthplace of the plants is likely the Caspian countries, Black Sea and eastern Mediterranean coast.

Collecting and harvesting. To get the perfect raw material, you need to quickly dry svezhezagotovlennye roots. This can be done outdoors or in artificial heating. If the raw roots are long and protracted process of drying, the roots quickly settled mushrooms saprofity to start destroying the plant tissue. Impairment thus raw maculate and becomes musty smell. The leaves and flowers disrupted by young and rapidly dried in the shade.

The active substances. The basis of high content (up to 35%) mucus. In addition, there are altee starch, sucrose, pectin, an abundance of minerals is also important. In the leaves and flowers contained less mucus, but there is little essential oil.

Curative effect and application. As medicinal plants Altey known since ancient times. Interestingly, its medical use in the past century, virtually remained unchanged. Mucus eliminates irritation with the inflammatory processes within the body (in the stomach and intestines), as well as on the skin and mucous oral cavity and throat. Containing mucus drug paid off and as a tool against the cough, relieving irritation, and facilitating the release of sputum. As a result, tea from the root Althea successfully used in pain in the stomach and intestines, as well as diarrhea. Alteyny tea, sweetened with honey - a good remedy for cough, he softens his attack with asthma, pneumoconiosis, and emphysema. Rinse alteynym tea improve the condition of the gums, and oral mucosa and throat when they are inflamed. The effectiveness of Althea, both root and leaves, and recognizes the NHS Germany. Mucus places a protective layer on the irritation or too sensitive sites, and hence their rapid healing. Hot wash with Althea in the furuncle and carbuncle also bring relief to accelerate their maturation. Tea of root Althea need to prepare a special way, so that starch is not turned into a paste. The word "broth" is not suitable, because you can not boil tea. In such cases use the term "extract".


Althea root tea: 2 teaspoons of chopped root, pour 1 / 4 liters of cold water and let stand for half an hour, from time to time pomeshivaya. Then once again shake up thoroughly and strain through gauze. The finished tea and drink a little warm up slowly in small sips.

Tea from leaves of Althea: 2 teaspoons of leaves pour 1 / 4 liter of hot water and let stand 10 minutes. When violations of the stomach and intestines to drink unsweetened tea. When cough is recommended sweeten with honey (not sugar diabetics!). This tea can also be used for rinsing and lotions.

My special advice. In the old days of the syrup protivokashlevym Althea was a favorite tool in pediatrics. Should it add a few drops of solution Anisova oil, the so-called Anisova drops, which can be bought at the pharmacy, get a good children's medicine from the "barking" cough and bronchitis. Proper dosage: 3-5 times a day to 1-2 teaspoons. Syrup Althea can not keep long. And because it is not often appoint the doctors, the pharmacies, it is rare. So I give the drink, which can make their own syrup.


Syrup of Althea: 2 g brutally crushed root Althea put on the filter and pour a mixture of 1 g of wine alcohol and 45 g of water. Flowing liquid is collected and then re-pour it Altey. Repeat this time after time in one hour. By 37 he received in this way the liquid, add 63 g of sugar and heat until sugar dissolves.

The use of traditional medicine. All the above listed ways to know and folk medicine. However, it is often operated with leaves and flowers. Of the boiled leaves make gruel, which is applied to the wounds, and the decoction of the flowers with honey is used against cough. Raw root often recommend chewing with pains in the throat.

Adverse effects. Using Althea does not cause fear. You need only to follow very closely, so as not got moldy materials, so the chemist's product is preferred.

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