Pharmacy name: elder grass roots - Ebuli Radix (formerly: Radix Ebuli).
Botanical description. This kustovidny herbaceous perennial with strong horizontal reaching roots in the soil. The stems reach a height of about 1-1,5 m. Leaves neparnoperistye from 5-9 toothed leaves about 5 cm long flowers are small, about 0.5 cm in diameter, white or pinkish, with purple-red anthers, collected in large umbrellas . Blossoms from June to August. Growing along the fences, in gutters, on the vacant and felling.
Active substance: bitterness, saponins, iridoidy and tanning agents.
Curative effect and application. Rootstock elder possesses diuretic, diaphoretic and purgative properties. Sebastian Knaypp especially recommended elder with hydrocephalus. Sometimes its use, and rheumatic conditions.
The use of traditional medicine. Tea of the elder in traditional medicine only to treat edema (quite possibly with a light hand of Knayppa).
Tea of the elder: 1-2 teaspoons of chopped rhizomes pour J / 4 liters of cold water and slowly bring to a boil and strain. Drink no more than 2 cups a day.
Adverse effects. The use of elder in the recommended doses should be safe, but should beware of overdose. It should specify that the ripening berries in autumn due to its nice mind dangerous for children. Their taste was not unpleasant, so their children can eat, and even in large quantities, which will lead to poisoning, with vomiting and diarrhea!
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