Monday, March 23, 2009

Hyoscyami folium

Hyoscyami folium

It is very poisonous! Protected.

Paslenovye - Solanaceae.

Used parts: leaves, grass, fewer weeds.

Pharmacy name: leaves beleny - Hyoscyami folium (formerly: Folia Hyoscyami), grass beleny - Hyoscyami heiba (formerly: Heiba Hyoscyami), seeds beleny - Hyoscyami semen (formerly: Semen Hyoscyami).

Botanical description. The plant is 30-60 cm in height. Stem covered with soft hairs, shaggy and sticky. Leaves dirty-green, ovoid or elongated-ovoid, with roughly carved teeth, narrow in the lower stalk, upper half stebleobemlyuschie. Dirty-yellow flowers practically sitting on the stem. Flower with kolokolchikovidnoy cup, with a dense network of nerveless on the petals. Blossoms from June to October. Found in gardens and vacant. Closely related deadly nightshade and henbane stupefy. All three plants are very poisonous, so the layman should be as small as possible to deal with bleached or its products. In contrast to the deadly nightshade, berries which often render children bleached poisoning are rare, because all of the plant looks unappetizing and odurmanivayusche smell. The picture resembles a narcotic poisoning effect, which is deadly nightshade. First aid if poisoning is the same.

Active substance: giosdiamin, skopolamin and related alkaloids.

Curative effect and application. Purpose of the drugs is not generally beleny: too much raw material varies in content of existing substances. This time, the collection of less impact on the differences in the quality of raw materials, rather than place of gathering (of the land and air). However, the need for preparations of beleny all there is. They help relieve stomach cramps and ulcers, senile tremor, and reduce state anxiety. In addition, a tool for preparing beleny embrocation - oil, which is successfully used by many doctors, with strong pain.

The use of homeopathy. Of the whole fresh flowering plant manufactures homeopathic tool Hyoscyamus, initial infusion of which are in the development of D1 and D1, with a dry cough, sometimes breeding D4 and D6 in the excitation, convulsions, white fever, insomnia and diarrhea. The use of traditional medicine is very much reduced because of poisonous drugs beleny. However, its fatty oil is still used in rheumatic pains. His methods are different. Recipes I am, of course, do not give, so as not to encourage people to self-management of poisonous plants.

Adverse effects. Overdosing causes vomiting, dizziness, convulsions and can lead to death.

1 comment:

  1. At the first look, the flowers seem artificial. They are beautiful yet useful too. Nature has not created anything useless. Your blog is very informative.Thanks.
