Colchici semen
Fatal poisonous!
Bezvremennikovye - Colchicaceae (formerly: lily - Liliaceae).
Popular names: poisonous flower, poison crocus, autumn, flower, dog bows, lousy flower, spidery flower, devil's bread, meadow saffron.
Used parts: seeds and klubnelukovitsa.
Pharmacy name: seed bezvremennika - Colchici semen (formerly: Semen Colchici), tuber bezvremennika - Colchici bulbus (formerly: Bulbus Colchici). Botanical Description: Flowers bezvremennika look like flowers of blue and saffron. By strengthening the soil deeply cordate bulb, bezvremennik fall in September, is developing its tsvetonosy that bezlistnymi come to the surface soil. A flower consists of a long tube voronkokdnoy formed six concretion leaves simple perianth. Anthers and pistil column were from corolla tube. Ovary is a flower in the soil where the fruit matures from s.emenami that the next spring to be put forward on the surface, surrounded by leaves. Blossoms in September. Appears in the wet meadows (in the south of Germany more than in the north).
The active substances. The main active agent - a very poisonous alkaloid colchicine, which is likely to be found in klubnelukovitse until maturation of seeds. In the mature seed is found in relatively constant numbers - 0,3-0,5%. In bezvremennike are still about 20 different alkaloids.
Curative effect and application. But first a warning: bezvremennik autumn - fatally ratsbane and in no case is suitable for self!. In contrast, in the hands of doctors, he is an extremely valuable tool in acute gout attacks. Dosage determines the doctor, he should seek treatment and to decide whether to use colchicine or a net infusion of the plant. Since the dosage is usually very high, even under medical supervision there are adverse reactions (eg diarrhea on the second day), which also require treatment.
The use of homeopathy. Even though homeopathic means Colchicum is also used against gout and articular rheumatism, the area of application - mainly inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. It is used in neuralgia, schekochuschem cough, blood circulation disorders. When gout using the original settings or for the D1-D4, with the complaints of the heart provide breeding predominantly D1-D6, which also designate and inflammation in the stomach and intestines.
Adverse effects. Since colchicine has bezvremennik autumn in all its parts (even the flowers), with shearing his children, who often took the flowers in the mouth may occur dangerous poison. And because the lesion becomes visible only after several hours, when the poison has already proniknet in blood, first aid should be provided as soon as possible. Symptoms of poisoning: severe vomiting, which is not terminated after the release of the stomach with bile and gastrointestinal mucus. Much thirst, accompanied by nausea, diarrhea with cramps and very bad smell. Pulse at first slowed and then accelerated to 150 beats per minute or more, almost did not feel. The color of the person becomes pale, lips sineyut, the tip of the nose is also blue. The skin is covered with sticky mucus, cramps begin. Finally, there are signs of paralysis. It should be as soon as possible to the hospital, because only there can be provided real help.
By looking at those beautiful tiny flowers, no one can say they are fatal and poisonous. Thanks for sharing the detail. I hope you would come with more on various plants and herbs.