Pimpinellae Radix
Used part: root.
Pharmacy name: root bedrentsa-Pimpinellae Radix (formerly: Radix Pimpinellae).
Botanical description. Bedrenets large offshore reaches meter height. Stem hollow, furrowed, and only at the bottom of the oblistvenny. Peristorassechennye leaves, the flowers are collected in 5-12-beam umbrellas without wrappers. The flowers are white, often pink. Bedrenets saxifrage fine and less. Middle and lower leaves to cut it thinner. Both types of flowers in June-August. Usually at meadows, along the canal, on the sunny slope, vacant, on the banks of reservoirs.
Collecting and harvesting. When the collection must be extremely careful, because bedrenets easily confused with poisonous umbrella! The roots of harvest or in spring (March-April) or autumn (September-October). Dug, freed from the earth, cut in strips, string on a thread, for the display of podvyaliva for 8 days and quickly dosushivayut in the oven.
Active substances: volatile oil, tannin, saponins, poliatsetileny, coumarin.
Curative effect and application. Science and medicine now uses this plant is mainly in the form of galenicals medicines (tinctures and broth), compared with bronchitis and asthma. In folk medicine it on stoychivo also recommend against throat inflammation. Tea poloschut throat or drink it for a cough. To gargle more often used alcohol in the rack, diluted 30 drops in a glass of water.
Bedrentsa tea: 1 teaspoon of herbs to top pour 1 / 4 liters of cold water and slowly bring to ki singing to pokipet 1 minute and strain. In bronchitis and asthma drink 3 times daily for a cup of tea with honey. To gargle throat tea no sugar. Applying at gastro-intestinal diseases is hardly worthy of attention.
My special advice. If a chronic inflammation of the throat, you want to use bedrentsom, it is better to mix it with two other herbs:
Bedrenets 20,0
The flowers are daisies 20,0
Cinquefoil pryamostoyachaya 10,0
Brew, as described above.
The use of homeopathy. Pimpinella alba Homeopathic remedies prepared from fresh roots of both species. Appoints with nasal bleeding, headaches, if the noise in the ears, as well as gastrointestinal disorders and bronchitis at the doses of the D1 to D6.
The use of traditional medicine. The ancient Greeks and Romans did not know this plant as it was not met. Bedrenets first described in 1588 YA.T. Tabernemontanus, giving detailed recommendations for its use. In folk medicine it is usually used when coughing, hoarseness, digestive disorders, with urolithiasis, asthma, gout, dropsy, with menstrual irregularities, heartburn and neurotic heart. Sebastian Knaypp recommended bedrenets with rheumatism and inflammations of the kidneys. Side effects when to adhere to a therapeutic dosage, you can not fear.
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