Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ammeos visnagae fructus

Ammeos visnagae fructus

Used parts: fruits.

Pharmacy name: ammi fruit tooth - Ammeos visnagae fructus (formerly: Fructus Ammeos visnagae).

Botanical description. This Mediterranean plant is found from the Canary Islands, Iran, is recorded in the Central and Western Europe, naturalized in America, it has successfully grown in culture. Pryamostoyachee bare herbaceous plant, 35-80 (100) cm. Leaves evenly finely cut or, as a rule, trizhdype-ristorassechennye. Rastopyrennye share the latest tips around uzkolineynye, tselnokraynie, sharp-tipped. Axis umbrella at the time of flowering, and in particular to the period of ripening of fruits has expanded and thickened in the accession tsvetonozhek themselves peduncle thick and rigid. Wrapper leaves look like the stem, obertochki - subulate-bristly. The flowers are hermaphrodite, white petals, unequal in length, deeply incise, dvulopastnye or dvurassechennye. Fruits broadly egg-elliptic, length slightly greater than their width, have an elongated egg-welding. All the aromatic plant, it identifies the resin, especially in the field of umbrella, the rays of which at the time of fruiting heavily hardens and have a nice spicy flavor. Therefore, even in the East and now the rays are used for the manufacture of umbrella toothpicks, where the plant became known as "ammi-toothpick.

Active substance: kellin, visnagin, visna-din, flavonoids, volatile oil.

Curative effect and application. Themselves the benefits of medicine does not play a role. Traditional medicine does not use raw materials and finished products of science prefers in the form of tinctures and extracts. The main active substance - kellin - used separately: the curative effects were discovered first. It was only later learned about the healing properties of other composite materials ammi. Normal case in the study of medicinal plants. So, acts as a spasmolytic ammi means first and foremost on the smooth muscles (bronchi, intestine, gall bladder). Favored affects it and coronary vessels of the heart, therefore, successfully applied to the weakness of the heart muscle to improve its blood supply. It should be said about the possible diuretic effects ammi. Try to apply it also in asthma and spastic bronchites. NHS Germany for fruit ammi tooth calls following applications: light stenokardicheskie violations (sense of restraint in the heart), as obscheukreplyayuschee with mild respiratory illness, postoperative complications of urolithiasis. From the history of plants. Kelly - the Arabic word for the Orevnem Egyptian raw materials used in a variety of convulsions and spasms. In Central Europe it is known from the Middle Ages as a diuretic. But if the medicinal plants mentioned in the medieval Travnik, mostly used in our time, Kelly has been forgotten. For the first time at the plant once again drew attention in Europe and America since 1930, when the Egyptian doctors set antispasticheskoe and its diuretic effect. It turned out it helps to remove small stones from the bladder and kidneys, which was successfully tested in the clinic of Professor Sauer-Bruch in Berlin. Samaali reports of the ability of plants lowers blood pressure, which contributes to the improvement of coronary blood vessels of the heart. Clinically established beneficial effect ammi with spasmodic cough and bronchial asthma.

Adverse effects. If you use drugs ammi must be strictly adhered to the requirements of a doctor, since overdose may cause nausea, dizziness and unconsciousness.

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