Crataegi flos
Used parts: flowers, leaves and fruit.
Pharmacy name: hawthorn flowers - Crataegi flos (formerly: Flores Crataegi), hawthorn fruit - Crataegi fructus (formerly: Fructus Crataegi), leaves and flowers in the mix - Crataegi folium cum flore.
Botanical description. Hawthorn used for medicinal purposes - a medium-sized shrubs or small trees. The sharp thorns, which are equipped with the stalks, along with luxurious white flowers in corymbose inflorescences pryamostoyachih, plant gave him the German title - Weibdom (White thorn). The leaves of hawthorn, with the upper side dark green, with the bottom - is lighter and bluish-green, with short stem and the top of the plants most often trilobate. On the edge they pilchatye, with teeth of various sizes. Blossoms from May to June. It grows in light scrub, in hedges and along fences, on the sunny slopes, and hardwood and pine forests.
Collecting and harvesting. Flowers and leaves are collected during the flowering and dried quickly. Dry mixture should be stored in well sealed containers. Since efficiency in storage is lost for too long, you'll need to assemble the flowers every year. The fruits mature filmed when they were already pokrasneyut, and quickly dried. They should also be collected each year anew.
The active substances. Effects of hawthorn is primarily flavonoids, oligomeric-mi protsianidinami, biogenic amines and some other substances. Only the interaction of all of the hawthorn substances a positive effect. It is important not so much a summation of individual impacts, but rather balancing the mutually opposing influences.
Curative effect and application. Hawthorn - excellent cordial means. It can be applied in a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases of our time. Necessary for the success of a long and, in some cases, permanent use is harmless, it is impressive and convincing. And above all, it should say on the effects of hawthorn for the senile heart - he recovers, strengthens and supports. Caused by the aging phenomenon of degeneration of the heart muscle and sclerotic changes in coronary heart with reduced blood flow causes in elderly people and old phenomenon, which is very effective means can be treated boyaryshnikovym tea. Similar to cardiovascular disease of older people and complaints of those who have permanent overload and who as a consequence, there are early signs of wear organism. Hawthorn can alleviate these conditions - and perhaps more importantly - to act as a preventive tool. Many beginning heart disease, which had, in fact, not a disease, but which, however, can not be ignored - this is the main area of application of hawthorn. The weakening of the heart muscle is often seen in severe infectious diseases or after them. In these cases, you should think about hawthorn. With the help of the medicinal plants is achieved and the improvement of cardiac arrhythmias when the heart, as well as in cases where the required normalization of high blood pressure. Directly from high blood pressure, hawthorn does not help, there is also cases where the hawthorn increased blood pressure, if it was lowered. Of particular importance is the hawthorn as a means dolechivayut after myocardial infarction when it is necessary to improve the coronary circulation, ie, blood flow in vessels of the heart, which has a beneficial effect on heart muscle cells in the sense of increasing their activity and improve nutrition. Rapid effect is expected, however, can not. This need to know. Just extract and patience leads to success. There are lots of ready products, which contain active substances hawthorn, but the tea from its flowers are not worse. NHS Germany recommends the following areas of application for hawthorn (flowers and leaves): heart failure, appropriate stages I and II (the New York Association of Cardiologists), feeling the pressure of the heart, senile heart, but not yet in need of digitalis, light bradikardicheskih forms of violations of the heart rate (heart rate slowing).
Tea of the hawthorn: 2 teaspoons of flowers or flowers with leaves, pour 1 / 4 L boiling water and insist on 20 minutes. Dosage: 2-3 times per day to 1 cup. The taste of tea can be improved. In this case, very fit and reinforce the effect of honey, or sea-buckthorn juice with sugar.
The use of homeopathy. Crataegus Homeopathic remedies prepared from mature fruit and also applies to heart disease and to support the depleted senile heart. Prescribe the initial infusion of 5-20 drops from 2 to several times a day. In severe nervousness, and excessive excitability, instead of the original settings using a second or a third of its breeding (D1-D1).
The use of traditional medicine. Hawthorn (especially the flowers) are increasingly being implemented in the home pharmacy. It is used to calm the "nervous heart" and to strengthen the heart muscle. In addition, the flowers of hawthorn (sometimes leaves) used as a tea with excessive weight, as it contributes to remove the water. The truth is, I think, a big success here will not have to.
Side effects, even long-term use of hawthorn is not.
I didn't know about teh medicinal uses of this plant. This is a new information for me. Thank you so much for sharing valuable knowledge.
ReplyDeleteHerbal treatment is always useful and healthy. Your article is very useful for those trying for herbal treatments.